Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Jihad Jane

A blonde, blue-eyed, diminutive American woman using the nom de guerre Jihad Jane has been revealed as an alleged terrorist who plotted to murder the Swedish artist vilified by Muslims because of his drawings of the Prophet Muhammad.

Colleen LaRose, 46, is accused of travelling to Sweden to kill Lars Vilks, believing that her appearance would help her to move freely to carry out the attack. She was arrested by US authorities in October and has been quietly held in prison since then, but her alleged role as a homegrown terrorist who used the internet to recruit and join overseas groups emerged only yesterday after the indictment against her was unsealed by US authorities.

Read the rest of the article here...

My comment:

It was really but a matter of time before the Department of Homeland Security had its justification to continue and likely expand illegal spying on American citizens. Take a look at what agents of the Federal government are saying about it:

Richard Clarke, a former White House counter terrorism official, said this on ABC's "Good Morning America."

"...there are other people who are much more covert."

"There will likely be more attacks,"

David Kris, assistant attorney general for the National Security Division of the Justice Department, said this in the Justice Dept.'s statement:

"Today's indictment, which alleges that a woman from suburban America agreed to carry out murder overseas and to provide material support to terrorists, underscores the evolving nature of the threat we face,"

U.S. Attorney Michael L. Levy, alluded to the greater potential of Americans to take part in terrorist activities:

"This case also demonstrates that terrorists are looking for Americans to join them in their cause, and it shatters any lingering thought that we can spot a terrorist based on appearance.”

And Janice K. Fedarcyk of the Philadelphia Division of the FBI said this:

"We must use all available technologies and techniques to root out potential threats and stop those who intend to harm us.

These quotes only exemplify the will in the various arteries of the Federal Government to continue and resume spying on US Citizens and do not provide the law allowing them to do so. But as the old adage goes, "Where there is a will, there is a way."

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